Aug 29
Posted by Kim on Saturday Aug 29, 2015 Under Photoetry
My little Tru.

You grow. You change.

Each day you evolve into something more beautiful than the day before.
Each day I think I could not love you anymore and then…
I do.
You bring more “er” to my life.

Each day the smiles are bigger.

The laughs are louder.

Each day the tickles are ticklier.

Each day the hugs are tighter.

Each day my heart is fuller.

Each day is more wonderful because each day you are more you.
Thanks for all the “er” you bring me.
I love you too much!
Aug 20
Posted by Kim on Thursday Aug 20, 2015 Under First

Firsts are scary.
The unknown makes you anxious.
You wonder. Ask a million questions til you can’t think of anymore.
Like a secret being whispered to a friend
It all happens.
It beautifully happens.
You smile.
It cracks through all the worry
It lights up my world.
And you make everything just right.
What a great first day in first grade!!
I love you too much!
Aug 14
Posted by Kim on Friday Aug 14, 2015 Under Photoetry

My little trooper.
Very next day.
Right back in.
Ain’t no jellyfish scaring you away.
I love you too much, my brave boy.
Aug 13
You fought a jellyfish tonight
and lost 🙁
Out of nowhere it came
Riding the waves
…Sneak attack…
Brushed your tiny fingers
Wrapped around your tender arm
And stung like fire
Daddy, your battle buddy, scooped you up
From old lifeguard days
He went to work tending and mending
Til your tears were gone

I love you too much!
Aug 09
Posted by Kim on Sunday Aug 9, 2015 Under First
Who loses their tooth in the ocean?

This guy!
Jul 22
Posted by Kim on Wednesday Jul 22, 2015 Under Photoetry

In becoming your mom I became Wonder Woman.
I changed from the inside. It probably happened as you were curled beneath my heart. You rubbed against it and once you were out, it kicked in…
fierce mode!

I got new powers.
New strength.
New abilities.

But I did not get a shield.

The slightest thing happens…
a look, a comment, an accident
and I realize I’m made of tissue paper.

I love you too much!
Jul 04
Posted by Kim on Saturday Jul 4, 2015 Under Photoetry
This life.
Summer days with you.
Long and bright and hot hours with you.
Magic moments.

This life.
Home with you.
Pool and beach and office playing with you.
Magic moments.

This life is us.
It is ours.
We charm it with our laughter.

Morning snuggles.
Gaming challenges.
Tickle battles.
Day after day after delightful day.
Our magic moments.

I live for our moments. It gives me breath.
The second I knew there was a you, the magic began.
In an instant I was spellbound.

You snuck into my heart like a little ghost.
I did not see you, but you were there.
Your presence filled me.
Your spirit moved me.
I loved you before I even knew you.
And once we met, I felt like I had known you forever.
Magic moments.

That is all there is.
Magic moments.

I love you too much!