Nearest and Dearest…A Photo Op

Posted by Kim on Thursday Nov 27, 2014 Under Photoetry

These are my boys. (and girls!)




They are the reason each day is gorgeous.


They are the reason I laugh.


They are the reason I’m comfortable.



They are the reason I’m crazy. (I love you so much, I literally could eat you up! Num. Num. Num.)



They are the reason I’m sane.




They are the reason I breathe.


I love you both too much!

**Luna was terrified of the camera. I had to hold on to her tight to get the 3 shots.

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This Heart of Mine

Posted by Kim on Wednesday Nov 26, 2014 Under Photoetry


This post is inspired by a favorite book of mine, The Secret of Saying Thanks, by Douglas Wood. “The heart that gives thanks is a happy one, for we cannot feel thankful and unhappy at the same time. The more we say thanks, the more we find to be thankful for. And the more we find to be thankful for, the happier we become. We don’t give thanks because we’re happy. We are happy because we give thanks.”


This heart of mine has changed. It’s changed in the most beautiful way. It has discovered a precious secret. A life changing secret. And it is no longer my heart at all. It is no longer my life at all. It is yours.


This heart of mine laughs. It laughs out loud. When you make a face or act silly, we crack ourselves up. We get a kick out of any little thing. We look for fun. You make my heart giggle.


This heart of mine sings. It sings the sweetest melodies. When we play or work, we often sing. We make up our own songs. We sing at the top of our lungs and dance together. You give my heart rhythm.


This heart of mine grows. It is overflowing. When I look at you it swells up and feels like it’s going to burst. How does it even fit in my chest anymore? I think I’ve outgrown myself. You make my heart flourish.


This heart of mine protects. It is fierce. Wherever we go, whatever we do, I look out for you. I guard you. You make my heart a shield.


This heart of mine shines. It is a bright force. In the smallest moments, I find the greatest joy. Colors are brighter. The air is crisper. I relish each day. I soak up each day.  You make my heart glow.


This heart of mine plays. It is happy. No matter the task, you always find a way to make it a game. I feel unabashed joy. We frolic cheerfully. You make my heart young again.


This heart of mine tickles. It is touched. Sometimes I just can’t stop. It builds and builds. It overtakes me and I feel like I can’t breath. You make my heart excited.


This heart of mine softens. It is mushy. A twinkle from your eye or just the sound of your voice and the sweetest comment melts me. I nearly fall to pieces and crumble. You make my heart tender.


This heart of mine is gentle. It is calm. The world around us is more beautiful than ever before. The world is delicately quiet. Nature is our best friend. You make my heart peaceful.


This heart of mine is wholesome. It is fresh. You make everything new. The path is clear. Healthy choices are easy. I want to be alive with you as long as possible. You make my heart pure.


This heart of mine is compassionate. It is sympathetic. Like being wrapped nice and snug in a fleece blanket. I’m more sensitive and understanding. I see deeply with loving eyes. You make my heart warm.


This heart of mine is thankful. It is appreciative. I value the moments that make up our days, careful not to waste one. I treasure our time together to make the most of it. To create meaningful memories for you. I respect you and honor you for the person you are. You make my heart grateful.


“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” Annie Dillard

I’m thankful to spend my days with you.

I love you too much!

Happy Thanksgiving

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Got Our Game On

Posted by Kim on Friday Nov 21, 2014 Under A Few of My Favorite Things...

Nights at our house are often not at our house at all. Across the parking lot we hang out in Daddy’s office surrounded by computers and guns. It doesn’t sound very comfortable, but there’s no where more perfect in this world. We each have our own setup. In triangular formation we play. We play games and we laugh. And laugh. And laugh. And laugh. You will be rich in memories. No nights spent in front of a television for you, little man. No, we follow each other through deserts and forests. Explore caves and mine for diamonds and emeralds. Build houses and farms. Fight off Zombies and skeletons. Jump through portals and land in the Ender World. And of course sometimes, just sometimes, you create our own game within the game and we chase and battle each other. Always ending badly for me. Why are you laughing so much in the video? Because I can Not get away from you! No matter what. Just wait. Tomorrow night we play again! Game on.

I love you too much!


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Veteran’s Day: First Performance

Posted by Kim on Tuesday Nov 11, 2014 Under First

Monday night you question me about how I feel. I’ve been sick and have no voice. We stayed home Monday. Being the astute little guy you are, you decide that we should stay home Tuesday as well. You are sure I can’t teach if I can’t talk. I promise you that I will figure it out. I will manage after all, it’s your performance day. Then you come clean…”Mama, I don’t want to go on stage; I have stage fright.” Whatwhat? I didn’t even know you knew the term! I tell you not to worry – you will be up there with every single kindergarten, singing and having fun.

Tuesday afternoon riding home in the car you say, “Mama, that was fun singing today. I LOVE being on stage!”

You go boy! Rock it out!!

Happy Veteran’s Day!

I love you too much!

(center, third row back, blue t-shirt…look behind the little boy on the front row in the red shirt with writing down the front)

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Election Day

Posted by Kim on Tuesday Nov 4, 2014 Under Photoetry

I vote for fun. Laughter makes everything better. Let yourself go and be you.


I vote for joy. Small moments make the best memories. Appreciating what you have yields the greatest return.


I vote for love. The heart expands, fills, and overflows. Life is redefined.


I vote for peace. Live simply so others may simply live. (Gandhi) Be kind and gentle.


I vote for courage. Show up and stand tall. Trust yourself in all you do.


I love you too much!

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