
Posted by Kim on Monday Jun 22, 2015 Under Photoetry

There is nothing that can take place of time with Daddy.

Daddy reigns.



Since you were able to reach, you go to him.

Since you were able to talk, you ask for him.

Since you were able to walk, you run to him.

And I get it. I really do.


He heals your wounds.

He turns your tears to laughter.

He takes any problem and solves it.

He has done the same for me. That is just the nature of his heart.


He spends his time thinking of ways to make your life better.

Ways to make your world bigger.

He makes ordinary, extraordinary.

And you know this. You know he would do anything for you without you even needing to ask.

You two have an unyielding love and bond that is the most beautiful thing in life.

Happy Father’s Day.


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Hanna Time!

Posted by Kim on Monday Jun 15, 2015 Under First

We went to see Jack Hanna and his animals. Very interesting show!


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GoPro Goes to the Water Park

Posted by Kim on Sunday Jun 14, 2015 Under Tru Moments

Splashing, swimming, sliding and smiling!

I love you too much!

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Later Alligator

Posted by Kim on Sunday Jun 7, 2015 Under Tru Moments

Peace out Kindergarten. It’s been real.

First day:


Last day:


You have gone from one extreme to another. It has been pretty drastic. Your brain has grown and grown. And it has been an amazing ride!

You like me being there, but you crave your independence. You have kept me at an arm’s distance away. When I would see you in the hall you would rather just wave, but you tolerated my squeezes. You did not love the idea of me having lunch with you, so I only visited one time. And you did not let me go on your first field trip to sing Christmas songs at the nursing home. But, I am glad you are like that. I totally respect that. You are your own person. Confident in your own skin. Comfortable with your self. Ready to do what you need to do. I would not want it any other way. You rock!

I love you too much!

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