Celebrate Good Times, Come on!
Posted by Kim on Friday May 29, 2015 Under FirstWoo hoo!!
Boo hoo!!
It is your Kindergarten celebration, or festival, as you called it.
It is bitter sweet. What an amazing year. You walked into your Kindergarten classroom and jumped right in. You have loved school. I mean loved it. You have soaked every bit of it up. Your brain a sponge. You have made friends. You have grown into a really good reader. You solve math problems. You blow my mind. You always do. Since you were born, every day you prove to me that life is amazing. You were born with magic in your heart. You cast a spell on me and my life seems to good to be true. Your laughter is contagious. Your sense of humor so quick. And your compassion so deep.
I am ridiculously proud of you. I am your biggest fan. Well, I thought I was until I saw your best little friend, Zoey, clapping for you when your name was called. She almost bounced off the rug. I know that feeling. It took all I had to stay in my seat. I wanted to jump up and down. Scream at the top of my lungs. Laugh and cry. Because you are just so awesome.
i love you too much!