Posted by Kim on Saturday Mar 12, 2016 Under Tru Moments#writeyourlife
Here’s the thing. We talk in hashtags now.
For fun.
But, honestly, neither of us fully understands hashtags!
It all started the other week when you were telling us about a bad dream you had.
At the end of your story you said, “#worstdreamever!”
I laughed. You laughed. Daddy laughed.
Now, it’s a thing. We throw it in all the time. Just for fun.
Earlier today we were sitting on the sofa watching a video about a game you play and you were eating a chocolate bar (#makingamess).
Our conversation went a little something like this:
Tru: #getyourlegoffofme
Mama: #benice
Tru: #doofymama
Mama: #imgonnatakeyourchocolatebarbacktokroger
Tru: #imgonnaeatitfirst
Mama: #messychocolatehands
Tru: #getmeawashcloth
#bestboyever #beautifulday #lovingeveryminute
#peaceout #iamagiant
#jumpingonthetrampoline #catchingsomeair #hiya
#toughguy #dontmesswithme #danger
#mytoybrokeintwo #idontknowmyownstrength
#idontevencare #gowiththeflow
#lockedout #beingcreative #timetopressurewash #ihatedeadplants
#racingmama #runforestrun #runlikethewind
#laughteristhebestmedicine #alwayshavingfun #meltsmyheart
#ilovejimmyfallon #makesmelaugh
March 12th, 2016 at 10:40 pm
I love this , so true of Tru, he is so much fun and such a happy boy, what sunshine he puts in your life, imalovingyou
March 13th, 2016 at 12:17 am
the only thing I know about #hashtag is #ihaveahardtimereading #thisissocure Love y’all