This post is inspired by a favorite book of mine, The Secret of Saying Thanks, by Douglas Wood.
“The heart that gives thanks is a happy one, for we cannot feel thankful and unhappy at the same time. The more we say thanks, the more we find to be thankful for. And the more we find to be thankful for, the happier we become. We don’t give thanks because we’re happy. We are happy because we give thanks.”
I found the secret when you came into my life. And everyday I find the secret again and again and again.
It swims around us as we play at the park. Immersed in laughter.
I notice it among brightly colored balloons chasing you as you run. I thank them for the simple joy they bring you and the smile they put on your face.
After lots of play we stop to rest on a park bench. It quietly sits there offering peace to anyone that comes along. It’s befriended many before us. Thank you, bench, for your comfort and tranquility.
I discover it as you climb on the roots of an old tree. You sit in the shade. You climb among its trunk. Thank you, tree, for your strength and beauty and all the goodness you bring.
I discover the secret at the beach. The sand soft and warm on our toes. The relentless tide sustaining our earth. Thank you, ocean, for the magic of your waters.
I find the secret in moments of play. When you are just you, being the boy that you are. Thank you. Thank you for your imagination and jubilant energy.
I’m struck by your priceless expressions.
I feel the secret, when holding your delicate hand with tiny clutched fingers or when brushing my fingers through your silky hair or when hugging you tight or when sitting with you on the sofa eating ice cream or when tickling your little toes.
And I hear the secret every time your sweet-little-like-no-other-most-beautiful-sound-my-ears-have-ever-heard voice says, “mama.” It vibrates deep within my soul and every cell in my body begins to dance.
I can’t forget to thank you.
You constantly remind me that I have been given the greatest gift.
A gift I treasure.
Thank you Tru.
Thank you.
I love you too much!
December 19th, 2011 at 8:28 pm
Beautiful. We love ya’ll.
December 23rd, 2011 at 2:37 am
I love all the pic with the balloons and Trus facial expressions!
December 4th, 2013 at 12:32 am
Sweet – very sweet. Thank you for sharing. I love watching from afar as you treasure your Tru and savor every moment. I remember that day you first told me you were going to have a baby and the excitement in your eyes, in your smile, in your heart. You are truly blessed and so is Tru. I can hardly wait to hear the next – how much you love him and how he loves you more!
December 3rd, 2016 at 10:18 pm
tru is such a care free sweet little boy, he is always there with a happy, jolly little attitude, and loves everybody, he is a ray of HAPPY I love you more than all the waves in the ocean