Tru Music: The Muppets

Posted by Kim on Tuesday Jul 13, 2010 Under Tru Soundtrack

I just never know what Tru will like, but the funnier, the better. Daddy turned him on to The Muppets and their crazy sense of humor makes Tru want to watch…and watch…and watch. Grab the remote and point it at the tv and demand a replay.


The Muppets: Pöpcørn

The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody

4 Responses to “Tru Music: The Muppets”

  1. Chuck Hughes Says:

    Cute little boy! See he likes Thomas, he can ride on 1 when he comes to visit!

  2. janice jennings Says:

    just the most beautiful little boy, precious, hugs and kisses to you little TRU.

  3. janice jennings Says:

    date is july 14 time is 10:58 p.m.

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