Hidden Pickle Tradition

Posted by Kim on Wednesday Dec 23, 2015 Under First

Oh how we love the hidden pickle game!
The fun we have searching through branches for a particular ornament.
The pickle ornament!
Trying to outsmart one another. Trying to find the best, most hidden spot.
This is a holiday tradition that brings lots of laughs and lots of excitement.
Every year this is an absolute, hands down, favorite of ours.



Ok Lilu. You win.
Game over. 🙁

2 Responses to “Hidden Pickle Tradition”

  1. Beckie Crowell Says:

    How did Lilu find it??? Hope you have another one!! Lol Have a Merry Christmas!! Love y’all

  2. Aunt Tonz Says:

    hahahahahahahahaha! That “uh oh” face Lilu is making is PRICELESS!

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