My One + Another One = 11
Posted by Kim on Wednesday Feb 4, 2015 Under Dear TruYour Daddy and I have been married 11 years, but he’s been my best friend for 25.
Okay. To be honest, I forgot it was our anniversary until I read it on Facebook thanks to a post. I am not one for dates. I don’t remember them and I don’t think of them. One day just goes into the next and they are all special to me. One day in my life does not hold any more significance to me than any other day that I’m breathing. I count each one a blessing, especially with my boys.
11 years.
I’m one. He’s one. And together we’re two ones…11.
He’s my other one.
And I’m so glad he is.
We are in sync with one another, side by side.
In all of our years together we’ve created so much. So much together. So much we share.
One love +
One friend +
One joy +
One life +
One comfort +
One hope +
One tenderness +
One pleasure +
One adventure +
One heart +
One son +
Equals 11 years of bliss.
I love you both too much!
February 4th, 2015 at 10:48 pm
You almost made me shed a tear!!! That’s so sweet, just like y’all!!!!! Love ya!!!
February 4th, 2015 at 10:49 pm
You almost made me shed a tear!!! That’s so sweet, just like y’all!!!!! Love ya!!!