Piano Man

Posted by Kim on Thursday Jul 29, 2010 Under Photoetry

Music flows through the air

Tickles our ears

Makes us move

Makes us feel

Some hear it and embrace it

Others never do

Listen as it whispers within

Dance to your own beat

3 Responses to “Piano Man”

  1. janice jennings Says:

    what a
    blessing little TRU is, he is sooo very beautiful. i truly enjoyed and treasure the time i had with him. love you all. thanks for a wonderful visit.

  2. chuck hughes Says:

    Hey Kim, that is a cute little fellow, he looks just like you and that guy that poses in pics with you, I think you call him Grant. Your mom told me she had a great visit, hope I get to meet that little fellow before he grows up!! Don’t make me have to come down there!!!!!

  3. yaremigarcia Says:

    hi mrs brown!:]hitru!:]byyaremi

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